Floof JournalTM

Floof JournalTM is created and designed by pet and animal lovers, just like yourself. It is the result of hundreds of record keeping experiments, design iterations, and interviews with pet owners, caregivers, veterinarians, and breeders. Floof JournalTM is a modern, fun and easy way to keep a daily record of pet habits. With custom designed layout, it is easy to use, easy to read, and easy to understand.

"I strongly believe that understanding the behavior of our pets is vital to help them live a good life." - Felicia Young (Author)

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Innovative Design

Floof JournalTM is designed in collaboration with veterinarians, breeders, and animal care providers. We went back to the drawing board with quite a few purposes in mind. We wanted to create something meaningful and helpful, something amazing and new - that is easy to use and easy to understand, that pet owners would love to use, and use it everyday. Floof JournalTM is a contemporary pet journal with a unique and modern design.

Custom Templates

Custom data-block templates help record multiple data points quickly and easily.

Real World Icons

Custom designed real world icons helps you locate data with a quick glance.

Easy to Understand

Contemporary design that is easy to use and easy to understand for everyone.

Enhanced Data

Easy to record multiple and enhanced data points in a compact and meaningful way.

Habit Analysis

Separate data-blocks for diet, habit, and sleep helps in quick analysis of pet habits.

Behavior Analysis

A multi-day spread provides high level overview to help understand pet behavior.

Floof JournalTM is available in various cover designs to suit every taste. Pick yours today!


Independent research showed that pet owners tend to record different types of data for their pets, depending on what they want to track during a given time period. That means everybody has different needs and purposes, but similar and connected data points can easily be categorized together. Floof JournalTM then transformed these categories into custom designed data-blocks for easy data distribution and easy analysis later on.

What our users are saying

"I'm so happy"

"I had a regular notebook to record the times when my puppy had his meals, how much he ate; or when he slept, and for how long. Floof Journal just made it so easy for me. It is exactly what I needed! I'm so happy!"

Melisa Duffy

Pet Owner

"My new obsession"

"I never recorded anything, except for pup vaccinations. I now have one Floof Journal for each of my puppies where I record their sleep and diet habits. It'll be so awesome to give it to the new parents when they go home. I'm obsessed."

Kylie Johnson

Dog Breeder

"Pleasantly surprised!"

"I didn't know anything about it until one of my visitors took it out to show the eating habits of their sick dog. It was so easy to understand. I bought one for my dog too, and I highly recommend it for all dog and cat owners. It really helps!"

Lawrence White


Generate Donations

Shop Floof JournalTM and we'll donate 0.5% of all eligible purchases to charitable organizations, that will go towards helping local animal shelters, rescuers and animal welfare organizations. Your support can go a long way and can provide help or a loving home to each and every animal in need. Shop Floof JournalTM today and share it with your family and friends today!

Floof JournalTM

Contemporary journals for pet and animal lovers.

Floof JournalTM is a trademark of Malaud LLC.

© 2022 Malaud LLC. All rights reserved.